How to Prevent the F1 Key from Opening the Browser?

Some games or software use function keys F1–F12, but F1 is the default help key in Windows 10/11. Pressing F1 often triggers the Edge browser to display help content, which can disrupt usage.

How to solve this problem? I found a script online that can fix the issue with one click.

@echo off
taskkill /f /im HelpPane.exe
takeown /f %WinDir%\HelpPane.exe
icacls %WinDir%\HelpPane.exe /deny Everyone:(X)

Here are the steps for using the script:

  1. Open Notepad and paste the code provided.
  2. Save the file as a .bat file. When saving, change the file type to “All Files” and use a name ending with .bat, like stopF1.bat.
  3. Right-click the .bat file and choose “Run as administrator”.
  4. A window will flash briefly, and the issue should be resolved.

This code is referenced from the Microsoft Help Forum.

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